Doodle Skincare Post Hydrate & Bloom - easy steps to your best skin. Blue text over white background of water and white daisy flowers with yellow centres.

Hydrating Your Skin: Tips & Tricks For Keeping Your Skin Supple & Smooth

Hydration vs Moisturisation:

Skincare can be super confusing. Hydrate and moisturise...aren't they the same thing? Nope! In skincare:

to hydrate = to add water

to moisturise = to add oil

No matter what "skin type" you have or what state your skin is in, hydrating your skin is key to healthy, happy, youthful looking skin.

Your skin is made up of 64% water, so if it's dehydrated, it can start looking dull, dry and flaky and more prone to fine lines and wrinkles.

If you have oilier skin, you'll notice that your skin soaks up everything that has any water content (good bye fluid foundation and concealer - hello cakey, crusty, separation).

The biggest piece of advice you've probably heard is to drink more water for more hydrated skin. While that can help and is vital for every function in your body, it may not necessarily be the key to focus hydration in your skin.

So what's the easiest way to boost that water content directly to your skin?

Hydrating Skincare Ingredients

Ok great...but what are hydrating skincare ingredients?

Hydrating skincare products contain some key ingredients that are water or attract and retain water (also known as humectants) within the skin's top layer (epidermis). Check that one or more of them are included in the ingredients list. Here are some common ones:

  1. Aqua (water)
  2. Glycerin
  3. Hyaluronic Acid
  4. Sodium Hyaluronate
  5. Urea
  6. Panthenol
  7. Sodium PCA
  8. Propylene Glycol

Ok...and which of the gazillion types of skincare products should I be looking for with these ingredients?

  1. Hydrating Mist: Spray at any time during the day to refresh and hydrate your skin. Mists work beautifully over make up as well. They usually contain water, rosewater, and may include ingredients from the list above.

  2. Hydrating Toner or Serum: These are lightweight liquids that contain higher concentrations of the active ingredients from the list above and they're applied after you've washed your face and before you moisturise.

  3. Hydrating Moisturiser: the most hydrating moisturisers will be in gel form because they're water-based with the active ingredients added above, and focused on boosting hydration first with moisturisation second.

If you have oilier skin, you can probably leave it there. If you have drier skin, you'll probably want to add a richer moisturiser over the top or a facial oil that will decrease water loss. Kind of like cling film stopping food from going dry.

If you're still not sure which products are best for your skin needs, it's best to consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional.

Happy Hydrating!

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