Doodle Skincare Spring Skin. Teal background with white swirls. Large white daisy flower with human eye. Yellow eyeshadow and dark black lashes. - Do you need to adjust your skincare routine for the change in season?

Spring Skin!

A Change in seasons may mean a change in the products you've been using through winter, or how you've been using them.

Here's a guideline to help you through!

1. Cleansing

You may have been using a richer creamier cleanser to help keep your drier skin feeling nourished. If you feel that it's a little too much going into spring and summer, look for a gel cleanser that may leave your skin feeling a little lighter.

2. Exfoliating

As always, exfoliating should be minimal at any time of the year. 1-2 times per week is all you need. Exfoliate when you feel like your skin needs it rather than scheduling it in for the same day every single week. When it starts to look dull and you feel like those mature cells need to give way to fresher cells, go in. Try not to exfoliate with a physical exfoliator and a chemical exfoliator on the same day if you are prone to sensitivity. It can be a much!

3. Moisturising

Depending on your skin type, a richer cream moisturiser during the winter months may leave your skin feeling heavy and congested. Look for a hydrating gel moisturiser.

4. Facial Oils

Again, depending on your skin type, you may want to skip the facial oil in the morning and only apply at night, or skip the oil all together. See how your skin feels.

5. SPF

Cliches are always grounded in truth. Wear the SPF!

The Earth's tilt means that RSA is exposed to more intense UV rays going into summer. This means that we're wearing fewer layers, and exposing more of our skin for longer periods (morning and evening traffic included).

SPF always seems like the most unsexy of the skin care clique, but it is the most vital, and prevents most of the skin concerns that every person faces. It also prevents skin cancer...the most preventable form of cancer.

UVB(urn) = burning & tanning = DNA damage = hyperpigmentation + skin cancer
UVB can be blocked by glass (house, cars, office, etc)
UVA(ge) = deeper skin penetration = DNA damage = wrinkles + skin cancer
UVA can penetrate glass (house, cars, office, etc)
The darkest skin only has a natural SPF of up to 13, so every single person needs to wear broad spectrum (covers UVA & UVB) SPF 30 or more. The best SPF is the one you'll wear every day.
Apply before any sun exposure:
  • Exercise
  • Sport
  • Transport (driving or passenger)
  • Hanging the washing
  • Gardening
  • Laying on the couch reading a book in a sunny spot
  • Sitting in an office with a big window looking over the parking lot
  • Lunch outside
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